Religious Education
CCD begins Sunday Sept 24, 2017 for K-1 from 8:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m., with Pre-K babysitting/religious crafts at that time. Sacrament class (grade 2-3) and grades 4-6 will meet Wednesdays at 5:00 p.m., beginning Sept 27th. Jr. High and High School meet Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. VERY IMPORTANT: No one who has not taken the diocesan safe environment training is allowed to teach our children. Training must be completed before entering the classroom on the first day. If our volunteers do not comply with diocesan policy, our CCD program will be suspended immediately.
For those teaching, or in any other way working the children of our parish, you must take the Safe and Sacred Safe Environment training, and pass a background check. This training must also be renewed annually, so even if you have taken the training in the past, you are required to complete the current modules to remain in compliance. To begin the training, click here, and then click on the link - Adult Safe and Sacred Training Link.
For those teaching, or in any other way working the children of our parish, you must take the Safe and Sacred Safe Environment training, and pass a background check. This training must also be renewed annually, so even if you have taken the training in the past, you are required to complete the current modules to remain in compliance. To begin the training, click here, and then click on the link - Adult Safe and Sacred Training Link.
The rectory at St. Mark’s is the priest’s private residence. As I (Fr. Paul) would not presume to walk into your home without permission, please do not just walk in without asking my permission. At no time do children belong in the rectory or church facilities without being accompanied by their parent. To act otherwise is a serious breach of diocesan Safe Environment requirements, which we respect.
CCD begins at St. Mark's:
- K-2 on Sunday after Mass, beginning Sept. 25
- Grades 3-5 from 5-6 pm on Wednesdays, beginning Sept. 28
- Grades 7-12 from 6-7 pm on Wednesdays, beginning with a Mass on Sept. 28. Parishioners are invited to attend.