The best way, perhaps, to start our journey through Ordinary Time is to reflect on the ordinariness of things. Sometimes, we are caught up with the grandeur of what's before us and we tend to pay little attention to the small things in life. Even in our liturgy, we marvel at the sight of liturgical spectacles but we forget to appreciate the simple acts we do at each Mass. In many ways, God speaks to us through simple and ordinary circumstances in life.
When Elisha, in the first reading, was called by God he refused because he thought of himself as someone of simple stature. He has nothing special to be regarded chosen by God. But prophet Elijah made it clear to him that God does not look for what is great in him but what he is willing to offer.
The Psalm: "You are my inheritance, Oh Lord," which is read mostly during ordination or religious profession speaks of our common vocation as baptized Christians. God has chosen us to be His own, to share with us His divine life and plan of salvation and ultimately to give us the inheritance of heaven and eternal life. This call is for all of us.
Mary, our Blessed Mother has given us the perfect example of answering God's call. She heard the call while doing her simplest daily routine - "praying." And through that, Mary gave her unequivocal YES to the will of God. She became God's Mother, the bearer of the Eternal Word, the vessel of the Emmanuel. In her ordinariness, Mary became the Mother of all.
Let us pray to Our Lady so that she takes us into her loving arms, as children, and shows us how to respond to God's call in our lives. Amen.