Jesus, our teacher wants us to abide in Him. He wants us, like a patient student learning his lesson, to remain in Him. Our teacher, Jesus, abides in us in the Eucharist. I would like to point out that in our parish, we have a monthly First Friday Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament - an opportunity for us to abide in Jesus. Sadly, not a lot of people come to the First Friday adoration.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament according to the Catechism is the worship of Jesus Christ present in the Eucharist. It's beginning can be traced at the early history of the Church. Saint Justin, for example, writes about the deacons who carry the Blessed Sacrament for those who are not present in the liturgy. Our parish is blessed with people who are dedicated in this devotion. Like Mary of Bethany, sitting at the foot of the Lord, we listen to Jesus every time we spend an hour or two before the Blessed Sacrament. Those who are devoted to attend our monthly Adoration will tell you that it is like listening to a teacher. You come to Him, spend time in silence and just listen to His gentle words.
Abide in Him. How I hope that if you haven't come to our First Friday Adoration, you will try to join us this first Friday of September, which is the 7th - the day before our Blessed Mother's birthday. It will be an extra special First Friday leading to the First Saturday, which is also the Birthday of our Blessed Mother. Our first Friday adoration begins after the daily mass and ends with a benediction at 3pm. Perhaps we can make a special First Friday Adoration Service as our birthday gift to our Blessed Mother. I hope you will all mark your calendar now for that day.
"Abide in me," says the Lord. Let us pray that we may become a good listener to the words of Jesus and that we may always come to follow Him with a heart that remains faithful. In the words of Saint Teresa of Avila, we pray - "Lord, make us your teachable servants today".