Today, the Church invites us to reflect on Jesus the Bread who came down from heaven. God, the Father so love His people that He sent His only begotten Son to become our food. He feeds us with Himself. He is the Bread of Life. In our world today, many people suffer from spiritual malnutrition, from hunger that seems cannot be sufficed by any worldly things. Many people feel unsatisfied, unfulfilled, and unhappy. They thought that the unquenchable thirst they experience can be cured by material wealth or power and fame but the more they disconnect themselves from the source of true happiness the farther away they become from being the person that God created them to be - an image of the Creator.
God has made us for Himself. Saint Augustine puts it beautifully when he said: "you have created us and drawn us to yourself, oh God and our heart is restless until it rests in you." But that doesn’t end there - God sustains His creation. Yes, not only that God created us, He also nourishes us. Pope Benedict XVI said, "The Church simply doesn't exist without the Eucharist." Bread becomes Body and wine becomes Blood: the greatest wonder of the world. And it happens not only 2,000 years ago in the first Eucharist at the Last Supper but it happens every single Mass at every single altar anywhere, everywhere and we are blessed to have been witnessing this greatest miracle on earth every time we go to Mass.
We should be familiar that each Mass concludes with the words: "go forth.” The priest doesn’t just say it because it is written in the sacramentary. Jesus wants us to go forth and fulfill our mission. Yes, brothers and sisters, there is a mission that we are all called to do. He wants us to become the bread for others. Jesus wants us to be broken and shared just as His body is broken and shared in every altar at every Mass. Our life after having been united with Christ becomes a life-giving bread as well. Let us ask ourselves: “is my life a bread that gives life?" Do I nourish others by the witnessing of my life? Do I feed others with good news? Do I share my life through acts of charity?
Let us pray to the Lord that the miracle He does WITH US continues to nourish other people with our own life as bread, broken and shared.