It is not unusual in the Church celebration that certain Sundays or feast derived its name at the Introit of that particular Sunday. The Introit is the entrance antiphon of the Mass. Today is one of those Sundays where in the antiphon we read at the beginning of the Mass says: "Rejoice," hence, Gaudete Sunday. Indeed, it is a Sunday to rejoice signaling the forth coming birth of the Savior.
Gaudete Sunday is a little break from the Advent mood which is typically quiet and penitential. We are invited by the Church to rejoice at the coming of Jesus Christ, Lord and Savior. We rejoice with the prophets of old who told of the virgin birth. We rejoice with the kings and servants of the David's covenant who awaited for the rise of the One True King who will rule the world. We rejoice!
In today's world where there are many challenges affecting our spirit of joy, let us remind ourselves that the source of true joy in our life was born 2,000 years ago whose becoming one of us and amongst us give us the reason to rejoice at all times, no matter what the circumstances and or situations. Truly, there are so many ways to keep that joy alive everyday. We just need to allow God to cast that rays of sunshine in our lives. As a parish community, may our presence serve as a source of joy in our faith and service to one another.
"Rejoice in the Lord always!"