Perseverance is a gift according to Saint Thomas Aquinas, therefore, we cannot persevere in prayer on our own act or merit, however, we can pray for it. Perseverance in prayer despite seeming rejection is shown by Abraham when he prayed for Sodom and Gomorrah. God wills that our prayer and dependence on him must be a constant part of our daily life. Jesus has given us an example of this. The Catechism teaches: “Transformation of the praying heart is the first response to our petition” (CCC §2739). The primary source of our perseverance in prayer should be the fact that we are uniting our prayer with the prayer of Christ.
We ask, seek, and knock. This is our part and we know that when we do our part in the cycle, God does his. He gives and we receive; we find, and the door of his grace and generosity is open to us. Let us pray that we continue to see our worth as a child of God in order to fulfill our vocation to serve all of God's people.