The Church is Jesus' sheepfold. In His sheepfold, He has given His sacrament in order to share the divine life with Him. He has given His words to guide its path that bestows grace upon all.
Today, the Church not only celebrates the feast of the Good Shepherd, but also the Fourth Sunday after Easter marks the World Day of Prayer For Vocations. I implore to all of you today to pray for the continued growth of vocations in the Church, particularly here in our parish. May the Lord call more men and women to a life of dedication to the gospel, and the evangelical counsels as priests, missionaries and religious. Let us particularly pray for our parish members who are in the priestly and religious life, and those among us, especially the youth in our parish, discerning their vocation in the Church. Pray for me as well, your unworthy servant, so that I may continue to offer my life in the service of the Church.
"The Church is the mother of vocations," says Pope Francis. May we become ever-faithful sons and daughters of the Church no matter what our circumstances, knowing that our Lord Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd, leads us to the way of salvation here and for all eternity. Amen.