The 50th day after the resurrection of Jesus. The descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles. The birth of the Church. Today, the Church in the whole world rejoices in the event that opened the flood gates of heaven’s grace to the first community of Christ’s disciples.
Pentecost is the empowering of Christ’s disciples to go out and spread the good news.
The Holy Spirit is the breath of God living in each one of us. It is the Holy Spirit who makes known to us the love of God that is present in each person in the world. The Holy Spirit is our advocate, our strength, our energy.
As we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit in our hearts, let us cling to his power. May we welcome the movement of God’s Spirit into our lives and listen to his voice within.
Come, Holy Ghost, send down those beams, which sweetly flow in silent streams from thy bright throne above.