Today is Stewardship Sunday. As Christian stewards we receive God’s gifts gratefully, cultivate them responsibly, share them lovingly in justice and return them with increase to the Lord – these are the words of the bishops of the United States regarding Stewardship Sunday. Our scripture readings today features two widows who really challenge us – YES, you and me, to reflect on our own stewardship. Christian Stewardship is a call to hold everything with open hands. Those who offer all they have and are – knowing that both all they have and all they are is a gift from God is so different from what appears to be a culture of clenched fists – a practice of grasping, a life-style of holding.
I am so grateful that our parish is blessed with so many generous community members who like the widows in today’s readings “give from the heart.” More than anything else, Stewardship Sunday is about recognizing the members of our community who selflessly offer their time, treasure and talents for the building up of this parish community. You are all good stewards of God’s gifts.
As your pastor and co-steward in this community, I would like to ask your renewed commitment to good stewardship of the Church. Yes, you are important to continuing the redemptive work of Jesus, which is the essential mission of the Church. As a parish, it is our task together to “proclaim and teach, to serve and sanctify” each other in our effort to build a community of loving disciples of Jesus Christ. Thank you sacrificing for your family, for this parish and for the Universal Church … for holding everything you have and are with open hands. Thank you.