Today, let us focus our prayers on the need for us to prepare for the coming of the Lord. While Jesus is telling us about His coming at the end of time, He is also reminding us that He comes to us every time we celebrate the Eucharist. May we receive Him with all of our hearts so that we may find ourselves worthy of His promises - life everlasting, peace in heaven and a kingdom without end.
We heard some powerful words from Jesus in today's gospel about the end of the world. These readings are used today because our Church year is nearly over. Next Sunday we close out Ordinary time with the Feast of Christ the King. The following Sunday begins Advent.
Today, let us focus our prayers on the need for us to prepare for the coming of the Lord. While Jesus is telling us about His coming at the end of time, He is also reminding us that He comes to us every time we celebrate the Eucharist. May we receive Him with all of our hearts so that we may find ourselves worthy of His promises - life everlasting, peace in heaven and a kingdom without end. Comments are closed.
January 2023
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