The gospel passage we hear today sounds like a set-up for a 911 call to heaven. Jesus seems to be saying that when it appears the sky really is falling, look for God. Today’s readings, invite us to consider those times in our own lives when, with seeming catastrophe near, we made a 911 call to God. Sometimes the response was not immediate, or we didn’t get the answer we wanted or were expecting. Yet, strangely, still we give thanks, still we remember his faithfulness, still we celebrate his promise to be with us always.
Hope is the reason. The Thanksgiving Day is coming up and what a wonderful day to celebrate our hope. As a parish community, we hope for a lot of things – we hope that we can build together a community of love, a community that celebrates life, a community that centers our hope in Jesus. On Thursday this week, let us join everyone in giving thanks to God for blessings us to this day and for giving us the reason to HOPE.