The battle against life is a long and arduous journey. We must turn to Our Lady, who is both Virgin all-pure, and Mother – Mother of Christ Our Savior, and our spiritual Mother in the order of grace. Satan, Jesus tells us, “was a murderer from the beginning.” I am convinced that the fastest, easiest, and most effective way to overcome the culture of death, and bring about victory with a culture of life, is through devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, by praying her Rosary. Mary leads us to Jesus, the Author of all human life; the Immaculate Heart of the Mother is the gateway to the Sacred Heart of her Son, that Heart of the Redeemer, which overflows with love for us.
Let us turn to Mary in this Respect Life Month, asking her to mold us, more and more, into the image of her Son, that we may be examples to others, leading them to true, authentic worship of God as found and as lived in his One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, which Christ founded on Peter, the Rock. Let us petition the Mother of God to intercede for all the people of these land, that they may come to a knowledge of the true Faith, thereby giving God the worship due to him, being his obedient servants, and respecting human life from conception until natural death.