On this last Sunday prior to Easter Sunday, we are celebrating "Passion Sunday", which is also known as "Palm Sunday." Both of these feasts have one thing in common - they present the Divine Kingship of Jesus. In Jesus' divine incarnation, he humbled himself. Though king, Jesus took the form of a slave, being born in human likeness and embraced the redemptive mission through dying on the cross.
My dearly beloved, as we enter into the holiest week in our Christian faith, let us always remind ourselves, that when we contemplate upon the cross of Christ, that He died as an atonement for our sins. During each day of this holy week, let us consciously ask our Lord to lead us to the triumphant celebration of Easter Sunday - His glorious resurrection as our Lord and king.
(Palms are blessed and will be distributed on a later date. Stay home and keep safe. We continue to pray for each other and for the world.)